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Srikanth (2024)

    Blind Srikanth gets into MIT, founds Bollant Industries. Pursues goals for visually impaired while facing entrepreneurial challenges, navigating personal sacrifices. Highlights obstacles overcome by the blind in academics and busi…

    Srikanth Poster

    Movie Details

    • Title: Srikanth
    • Year: 2024
    • Type: Movie
    • Genre: Biography, Drama
    • Country: India, Bollywood
    • Released: 10 May 2024
    • Language: Hindi
    • Writers: K K Binojee, Sumit Purohit, Jagdeep Sidhu
    • Director: Tushar Hiranandani
    • Category: MP4 Movies
    • Top Cast: Sukhita Aiyar, Alaya F, Bharat Jadhav

    Movie Trailer

    Srikanth (2024) Full Movie Download